THERMINIC 2020 online live day – 24 September 2020
THERMINIC is the major European Workshop related to thermal issues in electronic components and systems.
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THERMINIC 2020 goes online – Sept. 14 – Oct. 9, 2020
It has become clear in recent weeks that we will not be able to hold a live THERMINIC Workshop this year. For this reason, we are moving the 26. International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems THERMINIC into the virtual world, combining pre-recorded video presentations with an exciting and interactive digital conference format, hosted on 24 September 2020.
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Pre-recorded online presentations
(only for registered participants)
Pre-recorded online presentations
To limit the live event online to one day and to still give you the chance to see as many presentations as possible, all contributions are made available to registered participants online as video presentations from September 14 to October 9, 2020 at https://online.therminic2020.eu/. This gives you the opportunity of viewing all contributions in your own time (within the given time frame). Please note that you will need your ConfTool user name and password that you used to register for the Workshop in order to access the online platform with the pre-recorded videos.
Meet us online on September 24, 2020!
We are currently finalizing our agenda and the details of our new format to bring you the most inspiring, lively, interactive THERMINIC Workshop that the current circumstances allow… You can look forward to live presentations of the keynote and the 15 highest ranked papers, short pitches of all other presentations, live debates and the best paper award ceremony!
Pre-recorded online presentations
To limit the live event online to one day and to still give you the chance to see as many presentations as possible, all contributions will be made available to you online as video presentations 10 days prior to the conference. This gives you the opportunity of viewing all presentations in your own time (within a given time frame of several weeks).
To take into account the new conference format, participation fees will be substantially reduced.
Although we are sad that we won’t the opportunity to meet all of you in person, we are looking forward to welcoming the THERMINIC community online!
Bernhard Wunderle
Therminic 2020 Program Chair

All authors have been informed about the acceptance of their abstracts and are now required to submit a full paper to Therminic 2020.
The recommended length is six pages. The papers will be made available after the conference through the IEEE Xplore data base.

More than 100 participants from over 25 countries are expected at THERMINIC 2020, making the conference the ideal platform to provide your company with an exceptional level of international exposure for your products and services and to significantly enhance your standing and reputation with regard to thermal investigations!

The THERMINIC 2020 will be live-streamed from the Fraunhofer Forum, Berlin.
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
10178 Berlin, Germany